
RMWB reaches ambulance deal with AHS

RMWB reaches ambulance deal with AHS

Apr 8, 2024 | 4:58am
The Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo (RWMB) is announcing a new agreement with Alberta Health Services (AHS) to provide ambulance and EMS services in our region. The five-year contract ensures four fully staffed ambulances are available in the region 24/7. The deal also sees the continuation of the RMWB’s dual model, where staff are trained […]
Stollery Hospital gets major boost

Stollery Hospital gets major boost

Feb 27, 2024 | 6:33pm
Amid budget talk of restrained spending and increased savings, the province is still making a major investment to improve children’s healthcare. Yesterday, Minister of Health, Adrianna LaGrange, announced Alberta will be making a $20 million investment in expanding Edmonton’s Stollery Children’s Hospital and making it a stand-alone facility. The hospital is already Canada’s second-largest pediatric […]
Province unveils new funding for family doctors

Province unveils new funding for family doctors

Feb 9, 2024 | 6:00am
The Alberta Government is unveiling details of its recent plan to help stabilize primary care. The province says family doctors will soon receive additional money to help manage their growing workload. The newly announced Panel Management Support Program will be administered by the Alberta Medical Association. “This funding will help family practitioners manage their growing […]
Federal government injecting over $1 billion in funding for Alberta healthcare

Federal government injecting over $1 billion in funding for Alberta healthcare

Dec 21, 2023 | 6:17pm
The Federal Government is handing out $1.06 billion for healthcare in Alberta. The money is intended to help stabilize Alberta’s primary care over the next three years. At a joint news conference in Calgary, Federal Health Minister Mark Holland Joined Alberta’s Minister of Health, Adriana LaGrange to announce the bilateral agreement. The feds say the […]
Province launches online healthcare survey

Province launches online healthcare survey

Nov 21, 2023 | 6:21pm
The province is launching an online survey on healthcare in Alberta. The Government of Alberta is continuing to reshape healthcare delivery, and they are reaching out to stakeholders to gather deeper insights into the challenges, obstacles, and successes experienced by both healthcare staff and Albertans within the current healthcare system. “Input from health care professionals, […]
AHS holding virtual meeting to discuss local health service issues

AHS holding virtual meeting to discuss local health service issues

Nov 7, 2023 | 10:12am
Alberta Health Services (AHS) is holding a virtual Health Advisory Council meeting to discuss local healthcare services and delivery. The public is invited to join the meeting to share their voice and provide input on local healthcare. Those attending will also be able to hear from local AHS leadership and provide feedback to inform future […]
Poverty Reduction Plan to be discussed by RMWB

Poverty Reduction Plan to be discussed by RMWB

Oct 10, 2023 | 11:00pm
Council has voted to approve a presentation to present a Poverty Reduction Plan for the RMWB. Councillor Funky Banjoko brought the motion forward at the Sept. 12 council meeting and discussions took place at the Oct. 10 meeting. Councillor Banjoko said the RMWB is unique in some ways when it comes to cost of living […]
Alberta Health bringing international nurses to work in North Zone

Alberta Health bringing international nurses to work in North Zone

Oct 10, 2023 | 10:00am
Alberta Health Services (AHS) is adding 70 newly recruited nurses from various international backgrounds to their staff.   Approximately 50 of them are designated for AHS’ North Zone, which includes Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo. These nurses come from 15 different countries and have successfully met all the requisite criteria for practicing in Alberta. Fadumo Robinson, […]
Regional Emergency Services revisits EMS delivery in Wood Buffalo

Regional Emergency Services revisits EMS delivery in Wood Buffalo

Sep 26, 2023 | 10:02pm
Regional Emergency Services (RES) made a presentation to Council to discuss Emergency Medical Services (EMS) delivery in the Wood Buffalo region. RES discussed it is a third-party contractor through Alberta Health Services (AHS) that provides EMS delivery in the region. AHS was created in 2008 and began management of funding for EMS across the province. […]

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