Fort McMurray Catholic School’s robotics program ready for a busy year
VEX Robotics Over-Under -web image The Catholic School Division’s robotics teams are gearing up for another exciting season. Building on the success of last year which included two teams making the trip to the VEX World Championships in Robotics, the program is already preparing for the first tournament of the year to be held at Father Mercredi on November 25. “Our first tournament of the season is one we are hosting…
Canadian Cancer Survivors Network urge adoption of Federal cancer strategy
RMWB Fire Truck -file photo The Canadian Cancer Survivors Network (CCSN) is urging Governments across the country to begin implementing a new cancer strategy for firefighters. The Federal government recently proclaimed the “National Framework for Cancers linked to Firefighting Act”…
Keyano College to host Ukraine cultural celebration
Painting by Nataliia Slobodianiuk. -Keyano Media release Keyano College is celebrating Ukrainian Heritage Day on September 7, 2023. The school is honouring the day as a way to allow students and staff to fete the contributions of Ukrainians across Canada.…
Athabasca Tribal Council declares state of emergency due to mental health and addiction crisis
Athabasca Tribal Council addresses Mental Health and Addiction Crisis with Regional State of Emergency – Alex MacLeod – This story contains some content that may be difficult for some readers. If you or anyone you know is struggling with an…
Run for the Cure returning to Fort McMurray October 1
The Canadian Cancer Society is announcing the return of CIBC’s Run for the Cure. The event is Canada’s largest single-day, volunteer-led initiative in support of breast cancer. The run takes place in 53 communities across the country and raises funds…