
Jenna Endicott missing since October 15. Poster provided by Wood Buffalo RCMP

RCMP seek missing woman

Jon TupperOct 25, 2023

Jenna Endicott missing since October 15. Poster provided by Wood Buffalo RCMP Police are asking for your help in locating a missing female. Jenna Endicott a 27-year-old woman and resident of Fort McMurray, has not been seen since Oct. 15th. Endicott stands 5 foot 7 inches and about 145 pounds with blonde hair and green eyes. She was last seen in Fort McMurray. Anyone with information as to her whereabouts…

man in midair skateboarding

Council needs more information for proposed skate park in Gregoire

Alex MacLeodOct 24, 20232 min read

man in midair skateboarding Council has voted for more investigation into size requirements and prices for a proposed skate park in Gregoire. Council was originally proposed three options for building the proposed skate park. The first option would be to…

RCMP Badge. Image from Wiki Media

ASIRT investigation concludes officer justified in 2019 Fort Chipewyan shooting

Jon TupperOct 24, 20231 min read

RCMP Badge. Image from Wiki Media The Alberta Serious Incident Response Team is concluding its investigation into an officer-involved shooting in Fort Chipewyan. The inquiry details a non-fatal shooting of an individual following a disturbance at the Fort Chipewyan Royal…

Adam's Journey: A Struggle for Survival in a Hostile Land. written by Adam Germain

Retired Judge releases memoir of life in Fort McMurray

Jon TupperOct 24, 20232 min read

Adam’s Journey: A Struggle for Survival in a Hostile Land. written by Adam Germain A prominent McMurrayite is out with a new book. Adam Germain, a lawyer, former politician, and federal judge has published his memoir called, “Adam’s Journey, A…

Pride YMM October 21 counter-protest. Image provided by Pride YMM

Pride YMM responds to comments from gender education protestors

Jon TupperOct 24, 20232 min read

Pride YMM October 21 counter-protest. Image provided by Pride YMM Pride YMM is hitting back against comments made by individuals at a “Worldwide Stop the War on Children Rally” on Saturday. In an interview with Harvard Media News, people protesting…

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