Municipality Actively Preparing For Potential Arrival of Coronavirus

The municipality is preparing for the potential arrival of the coronavirus in the region.

There are currently seven confirmed cases of the virus, all in the Calgary and Edmonton areas.

Scott Davis, Director of Emergency Management with the RMWB, tells Mix News several precautions have been either discussed or set up.

This includes putting together an Incident Management Team.

“We have yet to have any presumptive cases or confirmed cases. We’re working very closely with Alberta Health Services in understanding what that level or risk is in the community.”

The RMWB has also had talks with multiple oil companies. There are concerns regarding the fly-in-fly-out workforce as many are coming from other provinces with confirmed cases.

Davis says they want to ensure everyone in the sector has a plan in place if a situation arises.

“We’re starting the conversations with industry on if somebody was identified how they’ll be self-isolated, whether it’s at the camp or otherwise.”

One person of the Incident Management Team has also been designated to work directly industry.

Meanwhile, the municipality is also looking at setting up some locations for people to get tested.

“At this point, we’re suggesting people self-isolate and call 8-1-1,” added Davis. “I am actively working with Alberta Health Services to identify designated assessment centres.”

People with any symptoms are being reminded to avoid going to the hospital.

Moving forward, the message from the RMWB is for residents to adopt good hygiene practices. This includes washing your hands regularly, covering up when coughing and sneezing, and avoid touching your face.

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