Local Musher Finishes Third in Canadian Challenge Sled Dog Race

A local musher is back home after competing in the 2020 Canadian Challenge Sled Dog Race.

Christina Traverse, owner of Mush McMurray, and her 12 dog team came in third earlier this month as they needed over 73 hours to finish the 335-mile trek in northern Saskatchewan.

She wasn’t able to compete last year but did come fourth back in 2018.

Traverse tells Mix News all the credit for their improved finish goes to her dogs.

“I’m incredibly proud of my dogs and their performance – not once during that race did they shutdown or quit on me, they always gave it 110 per cent.”

The team started training late last summer. After months of work, the dogs were fit enough to run over 100 miles in a single day.

“My goal is to always finish the race with healthy happy dogs but if we happen to get first or second… that’s not too bad either,” said Traverse.

She adds the amount of support she received from people across from Wood Buffalo was overwhelming and was truly appreciated.

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