Fort McKay First Nation Detail Plans For Moose Lake Summit

The Fort McKay First Nation is feeling optimistic about getting the province to endorse the Moose Lake Plan.

FMFN is hosting key government and industry stakeholders for its Moose Lake Together Summit – being held later this month.

The Plan supports responsible development that respects Treaty rights and protects the ecological and cultural integrity of the Moose Lake area that is sacred to Fort McKay.

Chief Mel Grandjamb tells Mix News this is a chance for the province to mend fences with the First Nation.

“We are very optimistic that they’re going to come and endorse the plan which they actually helped create. The idea is having the government come down and endorse the plan in its entirety.”

Among those in attendance will be Minister of Indigenous Relations Rick Wilson as well as representatives from PetroChina, Sunshine Oilsands, Athabasca Oil, Chevron Canada, Teck, Alberta Pacific Forest Industries, and Northland Forest Products.

FMFN also extended invites to Minister of Environment and Parks Jason Nixon, Minister of Energy Sonya Savage and Premier Jason Kenney.

Grandjamb says he’s feeling hopeful that the Premier will make an appearance.

“We’re hoping Mr. Kenney and his government review the plan and endorse it. The previous government did not, they sat on it and did nothing with it and it did not sit well with our Nation.”

Once approved, the plan will permit managed resource development in the Moose Lake area – with appropriate conditions.

For Grandjamb, that’s all they are asking for is responsible development.

“We’re contributors and we are a part of it. We see this as a really easy fix. The work is done, let’s get the plan approved, let’s cross that finish line and get back to work. Let’s get Alberta to work and get Prosper to work.”

The Summit takes place in downtown Edmonton on January 31.

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