Wood Buffalo Housing Lockout Officially Over

The Wood Buffalo Housing lockout is officially over.

Employees voted on Wednesday to accept the recommendations provided from a mediator after five months of negotiating.

CUPE Local 1505 President Judy Collier tells Mix News they were only able to save 11 jobs.

“It’s not a positive outcome for all of them, but it is overall a recommendation from the mediator.”

In the end, 12 full-time jobs were eliminated including an additional three temporary positions.

Wood Buffalo Housing stated they were looking to replace the positions with local contractors to help the organization get into a better financial situation.

“The last five months has been very stressful for all of us, it’s hard to watch our member go through this not having security in jobs and not having financial security.”

In the deal, CUPE was able to get more days off for employees, all the new leaves in the Alberta Employment Standard have been added, and an increase severance for the workers who won’t be coming back.

Collier added she’s proud of all the workers for their resilience over the past five months.

“They’ve shown strength, courage, and determination and I couldn’t be prouder of them.”

The new three year agreement officially kicks in on October 23.

Mix News reached out to Wood Buffalo Housing but didn’t receive a response.

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