Council Looking Into Next Steps For Proposed Fort McKay Community Centre

A proposed Fort McKay Community Centre is another step closer to reality.

On Tuesday, council heard a presentation regarding a proposed facility – to be used by community members and bridge the hamlet’s gap with the RMWB.

Following presentations, a motion was passed to have administration work with the FMMN on the facility’s next steps.

President of the Fort McKay Metis Nation Ron Quintal tells Mix News this centre will bridge the gap between the municipality and Fort McKay residents.

“Literally going to be on the Metis and First Nation boundary,” Quintal said. “It would sit dead centre of the two property lines. So, from our perspective, it’s literally going to be that bridge between the two communities, and it is going to create an identity that the RMWB doesn’t have up here.”

Quintal adds they have already received a letter of support from the chief of the Fort McKay First Nation.

He feels forming a strong bond with the First Nation – is the next step in the community’s evolution.

“From our perspective, it’s the way forward that we will see our community grow. Having Chief Grandjamb and his council be supportive of our initiatives and vice versa – it can only be a recipe for success.”

Council has already approved $6.2 million for the project – while the total estimated budget is expected to total over $9 million.

Quintal says it’s their plan is to build the centre for the community and sell the land back to the municipality.

He notes the centre will also help usher the community into the 21st century.

“It would be a facility that would be fully serviced, it would have high-speed internet and things we do not have in our community. It would provide a universal facility for everybody, whether it be seniors, everyday community residents or youth.”

Council plans to work with the Fort McKay Metis Nation to analyze costs and come up with a master plan within the next 90 days.

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