The Government of Alberta announced Friday evening the entire province is under a fire ban.
No open burning is allowed, including backyard fire pits inside the Forest Protection Area. Alberta Parks have ordered their own bans and restrictions.
The RMWB issued a fire ban on the morning of May 4.
The provincial measures come after over 13,000 individuals have been evacuated from their communities in northern and central Alberta.
The Alberta Government is also restricting the use of OHVs in the province. This means the recreational use of OHVs on public land, including designated OHV trails, is prohibited.
There are currently 92 active wildfires in Alberta, 31 classified as out of control.
There are two active wildfires in the Fort McMurray Forest Area, and both are under control and not a threat to any communities.
For more information on the fire bans, you can visit here.