Winter Maintenance Zone Program Starting Back Up

Winter Maintenance Zone season is back for another winter.

WMZ’s are monitored by the municipality from October 15 to April 15.

Depending on the amount of snow we receive zones will either be active, which means you can’t park on your street one day a week, or relaxed.

When they are activated, on-street parking won’t be allowed from 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m on your specified day.

People who continue to park on the roads could be fined or have their vehicle towed.

Each WMZ is split into four subzones. Depending on the amount of snow, the municipality could relax the entire zone or a specific subzone.

Signage will be posted throughout the neighbourhoods.

To find out what zone and subzone you’re in, you can use the find your zone tool on the RMWB’s website.

This year, the municipality is continuing with removing windrows (snowbanks) from the end of driveways created by a plow that are higher than 15 cm.

You can sign up for email notifications to arrive each Friday with the status of WMZ’s for the following week.

With the favourable weather we’ve been having, WMZ’s are currently relaxed until further notice.


Story updated October 20, 2021 for clarification.

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