The Fort McMurray International Airport has a new way to welcome travelers and residents to the region.
The jet bridges where passengers walk to board and disembark the plane are now outfitted with the regions place branding.
The airport partnered with Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo Economic Development and Tourism to create the designs that will be in place for three years.
The four jet bridges showcase the region’s families, natural beauty and community spirit.
“This is another step forward in changing our region’s reputation, ” said Kevin Weidlich, President & CEO of FMWBEDT.
“Every interaction the place brand has is important—these jet bridges may be the first impression for so many visiting our region for the first time.”
The interior of the bridges will be completed over the winter months with more images displaying what the region has to offer.
“As recovery from the pandemic continues, we hope that more travelers will be able to experience and enjoy our celebrated regional place brand,” said RJ Steenstra, President & CEO of FMAA.