New Regional Study Looking To Help Gather Information Around Workforce Needs

A new labour force study is being conducted in the RMWB.

Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo Economic Development and Tourism is gathering information from employers about workforce needs in the region.

“Pandemic impacts to employment is of global concern,” says Kevin Weidlich, President and CEO of Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo Economic Development and Tourism.

“Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo can use this study’s findings to support and respond to our region’s labour market needs – an essential investment in our economic future.”

The study will encompass the entire region including Indigenous communities and will look to assist employers with strategic plans to reduce labour shortages and workforce demands.

“The information gathered from this survey will provide support, clarity, and guidance to the work that our First Nations are doing in employment and training for Indigenous people who reside in our region,” adds May-Britt Jensen, Director of Employment & Training for Athabasca Tribal Council.

“This will increase the quality of life by providing meaningful employment, which in turn contributes to a sustainable and healthy community.”

The survey will be available until December 21 with the findings expected to be released to the public in March.

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