RMWB Asking Province And Feds To Help Cover Around $160M Needed For Finishing Flood Mitigation Work

The RMWB will be reaching out to the federal and provincial governments for funds to help with flood mitigation.

Wood Buffalo council ended their five-day meeting marathon flood meeting on Monday tasking administration with requesting more funds to help protect the six flood-prone areas.

So far, all the mitigation work has been paid for by the municipality – roughly around $150 million. The majority of this went towards the Clearwater Drive project.

Before approving new steps for downtown, Longboat Landing, Waterways, Draper, Ptarmigan Court, and Taiga Nova Eco-Industrial Park – the RMWB was expecting the remaining work to cost around $140 million. Most of the remaining funds would cover the costs to raise Saline Creek Drive.

However, council approved raising the berms across the Lower Townsite – costing just under $20 million. Around $2.4 million would be for Taiga Nova, over $10 million for downtown, roughly $4 million for Waterways, and more than $3 million for Longboat Landing.

The federal government is providing $8.6 million to help with the downtown berm.

The previous provincial government had also committed to providing around $6 million, but the municipality has yet to receive any of these funds from the current government.

Refunding Permit Fees

Those who purchased permits in September for work in the flood areas will be getting a refund.

Council also voted on Monday to reimburse these residents after their initial waiving of fees ended on August 31.

Moving forward, those who still need a permit for work in any of the six areas will receive one for free.

This is expected to cost the municipality under $500,000.

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