Contingency Plans Set as Support Staff Strike Nears

Fort McMurray Catholic School Division Prepares for Possible Support Staff Strike

FORT MCMURRAY, Alberta — The Fort McMurray Catholic School Division has prepared contingency plans in the event of a support staff strike, according to a statement from Superintendent Natasha MacArthur-Poole.

While the division has not yet received formal notice of a strike, MacArthur-Poole said they anticipate minimal disruption for most students and families if support staff withdraw their services. She affirmed the division’s commitment to bargaining in good faith with the Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 2559 while ensuring schools continue to operate smoothly.

Danielle Danis, President of CUPE Local 2559, which represents support workers in the Catholic division, told Harvard Media News the strike is set to begin Tuesday, Sept. 17. Danis said the union is awaiting the Alberta Labour Board’s ratification of Wednesday’s vote, which she expects early Friday morning. Once confirmed, CUPE Locals 2559 and 2545, representing support staff from both the Catholic and Public schools, will issue 72-hour strike notices to both divisions.

Danis said the unions have prepared extensively for the strike, including pickets, signs, and other logistics.

CUPE Locals 2559 and 2545 represent educational assistants, IT workers, librarians, custodians, and maintenance workers, along with the majority of substitute teachers at Fort McMurray’s public and Catholic schools. Over 1,000 employees are expected to take part in the job action.


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