Conservatives request emergency debate over drug crisis

The debate over opioid and street drug use in Canada is heating up.

Conservative Leader Poilievre letter to Speaker Greg Fergus
Conservative Leader Poilievre letter to Speaker Greg Fergus

Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre is requesting an emergency debate in the House of Commons over the decriminalization of hard drugs.

In a letter to the Speaker of the House, Poilievre says Trudeau’s drug policy needs to be dismantled, calling it a “dangerous experiment.”

Late last week, BC’s Premier, David Eby said his province would move to recriminalize public drug consumption. The move is in response to numerous stories of street drugs being used in BC hospitals, playgrounds, and public transit.

Shadow Minister for Addictions and MP for Fort McMurray Cold Lake, Laila Goodridge, says Conservatives will ban hard drugs, stop taxpayer-funded drugs, and put that money into detox and recovery.

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