CUPE plans rally to protest potential job cuts

The Canadian Union of Public Employees is planning a rally on Tuesday.

The union announced the rally in a letter to their members as well as on the social media platform, X (formerly known as Twitter).

The gathering is in response to the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo (RMWB) announcement that they are exploring the outsourcing of some municipal services. In a letter to CUPE Local 1505 members, Craig Milley, President of the Local says the RM’s exploration of outsourcing stems from an “Alternate Service Delivery Options” document which they feel is inexact.

“It is clear, the CAO and Senior Leadership team’s internal Alternate Service Delivery Options document is inaccurate, misleading, and produced in bad faith,” says Milley.

Milley also accuses the RMWB of negotiating with the Union in bad faith.

“The RMWB continued to engage in Collective Bargaining with CUPE Local 1505 when they knew, or ought to reasonably have known of their intentions to eliminate positions and contract out over half of the workforce.”

In a previous media release, the RMWB wrote, “Over the next 120 days, the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo will engage in collaborative discussions with CUPE 1505 Executive, review alternative proposals, and ensure that decisions are made with transparency and fairness. The Municipality remains dedicated to transparency and will provide updates to employees and the public as the process unfolds.“

CUPE Local 1505 is inviting union members, and the public to join them at a protest rally on March 12, 2024, 5:45 p.m. at Jubilee Centre.

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