RCMP remind Albertans to safely enjoy holiday season

RCMP sign
RCMP sign

The beginning of the holiday season is unwrapping and the Alberta RCMP want to remind everyone to enjoy it safely.

Officers will be out on Dec. 2 conducting traffic enforcement initiatives and check stops to remove impaired drivers from the road.

This is in support of National Impaired Driving Enforcement Day.

“This December, and always, remember to enjoy the holidays responsibly. If you are attending a party, make sure you have a sober ride home or a safe place to spend the night, ” says Sgt. Darrin Turnbull, Alberta RCMP.

“Last year, in Alberta RCMP jurisdictions, we responded to 233 fatal collisions, of which approximately 25% involved alcohol or drugs. Alberta RCMP also removed 7,573 impaired drivers from Alberta roadways, that’s the equivalent of more than 20 impaired drivers per day.”

RCMP uses Mandatory Alcohol Screening to determine if someone is impaired.

They say you can expect to provide a breath sample if pulled over or at a check stop.

RCMP is reminding drivers that driving while impaired by drugs or alcohol is not only dangerous but also a crime.

Albertans are encouraged to call a sober ride home or a safe place to stay the night.

If you suspect or witness someone driving under the influence, you are asked to call 911 immediately.

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