The Fort McMurray International Airport is unveiling its new development plan for a commercial hub.
The development area has been named Aurora Landing and is south of the airport terminal and runway.
The land is set to be the biggest commercial hub with more than 650 acres of developable land.
This will be a multi-phased project that will showcase retailers, entertainment, hotel accommodations, and office space.
There is no current estimated cost of the development but it is expected to take 15 years to develop.
Vice President of Air Service & Commercial Development, Michael Sieger, says the development, especially south of town, is needed for the region.
“We’ve seen the surveys that have been coming out and the amount of dollars that are being spent out of our region, both online and in Edmonton and other areas,” said Sieger in a phone call.
“I think there’s a real opportunity now to bring that back into our own community.”
Sieger says they are in the first phase of the process and hopes the development helps attract individuals to the region.
No development plans are currently on the table but the airport is set to meet with investors in early October.