Council has voted to approve the redesignation of Centrefire Place from a Parks and Recreation District to a Direct Control Parks and Recreation District.
The sign and building will not be moved but the land that Centrefire Place is on will be rezoned to allow third-party advertising.
The amendment came because the Land Use Bylaw says within the Parks and Recreation District, the RMWB does not allow freestanding signs to advertise third-party companies.
Freestanding signs have first-party related advertising such as events or businesses within the building, and are currently on voluntary use within the RMWB.
Billboard signs are classified as third-party advertising and are currently not allowed in the Urban Service Area.
The Direct Control Parks and Recreation District would be a brand new district that would allow billboard use for third-party advertising.
It was suggested that Centrefire Place was advertising third-party ads but the Land Use Bylaw allows only first-party ads.
The redesignation will allow third-party ads to be showcased on the sign but the land will need a new permit.
Council and presenters also brought up other signs located within the RMWB that are suggested to not comply with the current Land Use Bylaw.
The motion was passed with six for the motion and five against.