Health Minister to focus on obstetrics in Wood Buffalo

Alberta’s Minister of Health, Adriana LaGrange, is receiving her mandate letter from the Premier.

The mandate letter for the Minister of Health sets out the priorities and expectations for the Ministry and highlights areas in which the Premier expects Minister LaGrange to focus her efforts.

Much of the letter instructs LaGrange to address wait times and backlogs as well as address staffing challenges within the healthcare system.

Some of Fort McMurray’s needs are mentioned specifically, with Premier Smith calling on LaGrange to increase the number of obstetricians in the region while also investing $10 million to develop a province-wide midwifery strategy.

The Minister is further being instructed to focus efforts on addressing access to health professionals and specialists in rural communities.

“Health care touches the lives of every Albertan,” says Minister LaGrange.

“I truly believe by working together with our healthcare professionals to find solutions, we can ensure Alberta will have the best healthcare system in the country and indeed the world.”

The letter also affirms Alberta’s commitment to working within the confines of the Canada Health Act, adding that no Albertan will ever have to pay out-of-pocket to see their doctor or receive medical treatment.

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