The animated film Back Home Again is the story of Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo residents returning home after the devastating 2016 wildfire and while it has been slowly circulating through select venues it will finally be having its first showing in Fort McMurray.
Back Home Again had its premiere at the Edmonton International Film Festival where it won two awards, it was also shown at the SPARK Animation Film Festival and received an Award of Excellence from the Canada Shorts festival.
Hosted by Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo Economic Development & Tourism, the film will have its first at-home showing on June 23-24 at Keyano Theatre.
The film was written, directed, and created by Michael Mankowski who derived his inspiration for the film from his many conversations with locals returning home.
With such heavy topics, Mankowski chose to tell the story through the eyes of the woodland creatures that inhabit the land of Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo
Back Home Again hosts an all-star voice cast that donated their time to the production, including Jeremy Renner, Martin Short, Kim Basinger, Eugene Levy, Catherine O’Hara, Michael J. Fox, Howie Mandel, Ed Asner, Lorne Cardinal, Gordon Pinsent, Mena Suvari, Bill Burr, Tom Green, Norm Macdonald, Harland Williams, Sherri Shepherd, Marlon Wayans, Scott Thompson, and Tantoo Cardinal.
Screenings for the film will be at 5:30 and 8:00 p.m. at Keyano Theatre on June 23 and 24.
Tickets are available on the Keyano Theatre website, free for whoever wishes to view the film.