Residents Being Reminded To Be Extra Careful When Outdoors As Human-Caused Wildfires Pop Up Around Community

A recent wildfire near the community is highlighting the need to be extra careful when enjoying yourself when outdoors.

There were reportedly four human-caused wildfires in the Fort McMurray Forest Area over the weekend.

This included a large grass fire on the southbound side of Highway 63 just north of the Parsons Creek overpass and one near Beacon Hill.

First responders were able to get both blazes under control before they got out of control and risked the community.

Alberta Wildfire and Wood Buffalo RCMP are reminding off-highway-vehicle users to ensure their exhaust is checked regularly as muskeg can quickly collect, fall off, and start a fire.

Those who start a campfire are asked to make sure it’s fully extinguished before leaving, while those who smoke are asked to throw their buts in proper disposable bins.

The region is currently experiencing very dry conditions making it quite easy for a fire to start.

Meanwhile, residents are being asked to take a pledge to reduce human-caused wildfires.

Over the past 10 years, the area has experienced around 25 of these blazes a year with the province spending nearly $19 million a year to help battle them.

This includes the Horse River wildfire.

“Nearly half of all human-caused wildfires in Fort McMurray are started by recreationalists and residents,” said Alan Gammon, wildfire technologist with the FMFA.

“By taking the pledge, we can be proactive and enjoy our forests in a safe and responsible way.”

If you see a wildfire, you’re asked to report it immediately by calling 310-FIRE.

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