The municipality is allocating additional funds for the Fort McKay Community Centre.
Wood Buffalo council approved on Tuesday increasing the budget to $9 million to cover the entire scope of the project.
Originally, they had set aside around $6.2 million for the centre.
Ron Quintal, Fort McKay Mtis President, says this facility is very much needed in the community.
“It will allow our community a gathering place, allow our community a place for multiple events – funerals, weddings, get-togethers, cultural events, among other things.”
Besides construction on the Fort McKay bridge and upgrade on their water treatment plant, Quintal says there has been very little work in the community.
He believes Fort McKay gets left behind when compared to other areas across the region.
“Fort McKay is the most underserviced by the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, so we think this is a stepping stone in the right direction by way of servicing.”
The additional funds will be covered by the RMWB.
Speaking on Fort McMurray Matters, Mayor Don Scott says they have available funds to cover the project.
“The answer we got, when I asked the question whether this was gonna impact residents or other stakeholders, was no and we had the money, so this was a good investment given those conditions.”
Quintal adds they plan on buying the centre back from the municipality down the road.
The facility is expected to serve around 1,000 people across the community.