Province Repaving 17 KM of Highway 63 South of Fort McMurray

The province is providing funds to help fix Highway 63 south of Fort McMurray.

The GoA announced on Monday they’re including the project in the $2 billion they allocated last month to help get Albertans back to work.

This project, along with work on other roads in the north central region, is expected to create around 775 jobs.

“Fort McMurray and north central Alberta have been hard hit in recent years with natural disasters and the oil price collapse,” said Ric McIver, Minister of Transportation, in a release.

“These road and bridge projects will provide hundreds of jobs for Albertans, keep companies moving, and provide more value for taxpayers.”

Around 17 km on Highway 63, between north of Mariana Lake and south of Sand Tiger Lodge, will be repaved.

The province is also replacing the Hangingstone Bridge on the highway.

“We are taking action to fix our infrastructure now to get Albertans back to work,” added McIver.

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