Girls Inc Name Fifth Nominee For Women Of Inspiration Series

Girls Inc of Northern Alberta is naming their final nominee for their Women of Inspiration series.

Caitlyn Downie is the fifth woman being recognized for her work in the community joining Michelle Farrow, Shannon Noble, Purva Sharma, and Karla Buffalo.

Downie has spent her six years in Wood Buffalo working on making the community more inclusive.

This includes being the founding member of the Collaboration for Religious Inclusion and her work with Pride YMM.

She’s also received the ‘Friend of Diversity’ award at the annual Diversity Awards in Alberta.

“Strong, smart, bold women of inspiration align action to purpose. They use the seat they hold in rooms and what privilege they hold to speak up and drive positive change,” said Downie, in a release.

“In the face of a wall of barriers, they find a shovel and start digging.”

Meanwhile, Girls Inc. says they’re excited to recognize the aforementioned women.

Downie, along with the other nominees, will be celebrated on March 7, 2020, during the Women of Inspiration Gala.

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