World Hijab Day Once Again Being Celebrated in Wood Buffalo

World Hijab Day is once again being celebrated in Fort McMurray.

Women from across the community can take part in the event by trying on the Islamic headscarf.

President and Co-Founder of World Hijab Day Fort McMurray Kiran Malik-Khan tells Mix News this is about getting a better understanding of the hijab.

“It’s not something that’s an anomaly and that’s the idea for having World Hijab Day – this is part of our identity, it’s just like anything else you see anybody else wearing.”

This is the seventh straight year this event is being held in Wood Buffalo.

In the previous six years, women and men have come out to show their support.

“I think the community has understood and taken this event as a celebration,” said Sundas Shamshad, World Hijab Day YMM Treasurer.

“We have people who come each year and there are people who haven’t attended this event ever and they come and celebrate with us.”

While men are invited, they won’t be allowed to try on the hijab as it’s a religious symbol for women.

The event will be held at Peter Pond Mall on Saturday from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

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