Fort McMurray Author Publishes Book Focusing On Dealing With Mental Illness

A Fort McMurray author has published a book that deals with trying to better understand mental illness.

Dr. Ronald Laybolt’s “The Storm Within: The Demons We Deal With Everyday” focuses on 13 types of mental illness – breaking down their symptoms, causes, and treatments.

He tells Mix News the goal of his book is to show people they are never alone.

“I just wanted to make sure that if this book helps one person, it’s done its job. But the more it can touch and help people – it’s about giving back, and that’s exactly what I’m trying to do.”

The book also details stories from individuals who’ve lived with mental health issues and those who strive to help.

“Each chapter will have causes, treatments and symptoms and at the end of each one, you’ll have a true story of a person or people who have dealt with or are dealing with those issues.”

Ultimately, Laybolt notes that mental health is something we all struggle to fully attain.

“If you’ve ever been told, you’re broken, you’re damaged goods and should be labelled a victim, I for one don’t buy it. Truth be told, we are all men and women with skills, determination and values to ensure we coach, mentor and instruct the next generation for the betterment of their survival.”

He says once he pays off the money, he used to get the book published, he will be donating funds to mental health programs.

You can buy a copy of Laybolt’s book by clicking here.

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