Habitat for Humanity WB Looking For Funds For Volunteer Program

Habitat for Humanity Wood Buffalo is in need of funds for their volunteer program.

The program helps volunteers get connected to the organization, receive training, and learn more about the trades.

The non-profit recently asked for $95,000 through the 2020 municipal budget for a Volunteer Coordinator Position to oversee the program, however, it was denied as it didn’t meet their requirements.

Executive Director Crystal Lewis-Wilton tells Mix News making sure this program is top notch is crucial to the organization.

“Everything that we do requires volunteers on our build sites and for our committees and staff, but last year we actually received funding to hire an actual volunteer coordinator to manage that position.”

The funding came from the Canadian Red Cross as they were offering supports to groups looking to gather and train volunteers.

This year was the first time the HFHWB was able to offer this position.

Lewis-Wilton adds losing the Coordinator will be a big loss to their program which has helped them expand their services.

“We’re able to offer a lot more stuff to the community, so one of the things we were exploring is things like tool orientations and really working on partnerships with youth and people interested in getting involved in the trades.”

Meanwhile, work is underway on four of the remaining five rebuild projects being undertaken by the non-profit. The last one will be put up in Abasand.

People can donate to the HFHWB by visiting their website.

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