Choices Association of Fort McMurray No Longer Providing Photo Radar Service

Choices Association of Fort McMurray will no longer be a part of the municipality’s photo radar program.

The organization announced on Thursday their contract won’t be renewed by the RMWB with their last day being January 31, 2020.

They’ve been a part of the program for the past 20-years.

Choices note their current contract was supposed to end in 2023.

However, in an email sent to Mix News, the municipality says the ATE contract was up for renewal and they awarded a new contract to a different provider after a public process.

“We anticipate the new provider will deliver a high-quality, overall ATE service at a substantially reduced cost to municipal taxpayers,” said Adam Hardiman, RMWB Strategist.

The RMWB adds Choices wasn’t the overall service provider for their ATE technology.

In a release, Choices says losing the contract jeopardizes their organization as up to one-third of their operations were funded by the revenue from the program.

Around six employees are also expected to be impacted by the move.

The organization adds they’re concerned with the ‘lack of dialogue’ over the decision.

This comes after Wood Buffalo council voted to keep the photo radar program.

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