Pride YMM is moving its 2020 celebration to June.
Pride celebrations have traditionally been held in August in Fort McMurray, but on Wednesday, the committee decided to move the week to correspond with national pride month.
Committee member Tyler Holowchuk tells Mix News they hope this allows more people to attend the festivities.
“We had people who were a little confused as to why we had it in August and the past few years it has lined up best to work there. But we figured that aligning it with Pride month would bring more awareness to the event and allow more students to attend.”
Holowchuk notes this decision shows the growth of Pride YMM in the community.
He notes that growth made the decision to move the dates a simple one.
“We’ve seen substantial growth in attendance over the past few years. Just in the few years I’ve been apart of it; I’ve been able to witness it. I believe we had over a thousand people at the Pride event this past August and it’s just been growing since then.”
Pride Week will take place from May 31st to June 7th in 2020.