Innovation And Pipeline Talk Highlight Oil Sands Trade Show And Conference

Pipeline talk highlighted day one of the Oil Sands Trade Show & Conference.

On Tuesday, the conference heard from a list of notable speakers – ranging from comedian Rick Mercer, and Premier Jason Kenney to Minister of Natural Resources Amarjeet Sohi.

Sohi took time to address progress being made on projects such as Enbridge Line 3, Keystone XL and the Trans Mountain expansion.

Speaking to reporters, Sohi says despite last week’s ruling by the Federal Court of Appeal – he expects Trans Mountain to be complete by mid-2022.

“We are ensuring the protection of cultural sites, burial grounds, how we are responding to the protection of coastal communities, marine mammals. This will be the safest pipe in recent history.”

Sohi notes the consultation by the Federal government has been some of the most thorough ever undertaken on a project of this calibre.

He says they expect to see real progress on the expansion by December.

“There will be close to 4200 workers building the expansion. This is a project we have done the necessary hard work to fix the problem that was broken and I am confident that it will continue to move forward.”

It was not all optimism for the industry on day one.

Earlier in the day, Premier Jason Kenney addressed the conference announcing the Alberta government’s intent to take the Federal government to court over Bill C-69.

Sohi says the Feds have tried to make it clear that the bill respects provincial jurisdictions surrounding resource development.

“If the Premier wants to test that in the court, that’s his right to do so,” Sohi said. “We are very confident that it’s the Federal government’s responsibility to protect our environment and to ensure that Indigenous voices are included in the decision-making process. We have always made it clear that we are taking action on Federal areas of responsibility and not on provincial areas.”

Innovation Takes Centre Stage

As for the Trade Show itself, hundreds of vendors were on display showcasing to attendees all of the ongoing innovation in the oil industry.

Jim Brasset is the General Manager of Ensol Systems, a British Columbia based manufacturing and servicing company that specializes in industrial power solutions for remote locations.

He says their company focuses on the design and production of metering skids, pump packages and electrical panels for industry

“On a remote mine, you need cameras, communications, remote sensors and you need them in places that don’t have access to power,”

Brasset notes their packages allow companies to run these systems using clean technology.

“The result is a very efficient system that will power your equipment with long autonomy. So, where you might’ve previously used a diesel generator and have to fill that generator every three days with gas, you can use one of our systems and it will run for two or three months.”

Brassett adds that industry is seeking out innovation for the future and companies like theirs are answering the call.

“We are bringing into market ways for producers to be more efficient, save money and be more competitive.”

The Trade Show continues Wednesday at MacDonald Island Park.

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